Designed by ASPECT Studios in collaboration with IPH Architects, lighting designers ETC Solutions, and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, the transformation of Kalgoorlie’s city centre has created a vibrant, civic-minded destination for both locals and visitors. The space unfolds as a series of interconnected public areas that cater to daily life—fostering social interaction, play, outdoor dining, and entertainment.
At the heart of this transformation is a striking canopy structure, animated by light, colour, and water misters. These elements not only cool and activate the space but also add layers of storytelling. “There’s a narrative of the daily explosions from the mine site and the natural lightning from the weather patterns experienced in those areas. So, in the square, you get this explosion of mist and lighting and sound that trigger off at the same time, just like in nature.” says Tom Griffiths, Studio Director.
With its vibrant colours, open spaces, and inviting pathways, the redesign has inspired a renewed optimism about Kalgoorlie’s future.
Read the full article in Australian Design Review.