Young Street Plaza in Neutral Bay embodies North Sydney Council’s vision for a vibrant post-COVID public space, fostering community connection and activity.
Launched as a trial in 2021, the temporary plaza has reimagined a once traffic-dominated street into a welcoming urban oasis. Designed by ASPECT Studios as a 'lighter quicker, cheaper' approach to placemaking, the native flora-inspired floor graphics, playful seating pods, and planters have invited neighbours to gather and socialise under the shade of mature trees in what was hot bitumen road surface.
The simple design with its central pavilion and lawn has provided a versatile space for community events, performances, and recreation for all ages.
Now, four years on, the plaza’s success has led to an extended trial period, and it remains a cherished community space today—a testament to the transformative impact of thoughtful, people-first urban design.