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2024 Open House Melbourne

Date: 7月 04, 2024
Category: Events and exhibitions
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Open House Melbourne is a rare opportunity to take an inside look at the city’s most interesting place with the people that created them. ASPECT Studios will be leading tours of two of our most complex Melbourne projects.

Senior Associates Erwin Taal and Warwick Savvas will lead tours of the restored and redeveloped Pentridge Prison public realm. Now a bustling hub of residential and commercial activity, dealing with Pentridge’s controversial history required a considerate and thoughtful touch. Visitors will learn how a balance was struck between making Pentridge a desirable place to be, without erasing its past.

Pentridge Piazza Tour
Saturday 27 July, 10.30am and 12pm
ASPECT Studios and GLAS Landscape Architects will lead a walking tour of the new Student Precinct at the University of Melbourne and the Melbourne Connect innovation precinct public realms.

Both projects are the result of collaborative thinking between landscape architects and architects, university staff and students, and about how the contemporary campus relates to the cities and communities they form part of.

Melbourne Connect and the University of Melbourne Student Precinct Public Space Tour
Saturday, 27 July and 10.30am and 1pm
Sunday 28 July, 10am and 12.30pm

View the full Open House Melbourne 2024 program here.