Environmental sustainability was integral to the design and development of Bulk Park, including but not limited to:
– 1,000m² of reclaimed timber produced during the refurbishment of Victoria Harbour’s wharves were used to construct Buluk Park’s event decks and the library wharf.
– Maximising shade and solar access, super advanced 8-metre-high broad canopy semi-deciduous trees provide both shade and wind amelioration supported by an outer evergreen row of trees.
– Low-reflective materials were carefully selected in terms of colour, composition and finish for both the ground plane and vertical structures.
– High-quality components were specified to maximise longevity given the site’s proximity to the salty, brackish waters of the adjacent harbour and the Yarra River.
– Structural soils and contiguous soil volumes were incorporated into the substrate/substructure designs of the deck and adjacent streets for over 50 trees.
– Incorporation of green infrastructure and the successful implementation of an extensive suite of WSUD and bio-retention, stormwater retention and re-use.